Friday, September 16, 2011

J's first day of Kindergarten

J was so excited to start Kindergarten 
and just loves to do "school" as he says.
 We started our day off with prayer and a bible story
After bible we got right into writing....both me and J's least favorite subject!

 We are doing Five in a Row and our first book is Mirette on the high wire by Emily Arnold McCully. The story takes place in France and we decided to do a unit study to go along with it. This included listening to the National Anthem for France (Thanks Lyndsey for the idea), painting a French flag and talking about what they eat there.
 We then placed our story disc on France showing 
where France is in relation to the USA
We did a few pages of math (not pictured but our favorite subject) and then onto some pattern blocks.

 After some educational games we started our reading for the day. I am using Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons by Siegfried Engelmann. This book worked wonders for my sister and so far J is loving it! I will let you know how it works.
 Part of the reading time was spent writing "M" and "S" 
and working on those sounds (which he already knows).
 In the five in a row book we are reading it talks about how Mirette walked a high wire so naturally we needed to do the same. My hubby made a "high wire" for J and it has been his favorite activity so far.
In the book Bellini toasts a crowd while 
walking the high wire so J did that too.
In keeping with the book J wanted to shoot his gun while walking the high wire just like Bellini shot a cannon.

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