Saturday, October 15, 2011

Don't forget about me...

Daddy took L into the office/school room 
while me and J did school in the kitchen. 
Here are so cute pictures daddy got 
while they were "Schooling".

When I was young in the mountains

Our second book this year was...

When I was young in the mountains
By Cynthia Rylant

We "rowed" this book for 8 days and here are the activities we did!

Day 1:
-We studied the state flag of West Virginia
and J colored his own flag.

-J colored the West Virginia bird and flower and we talked about those a little bit.
J placed our story disc for
When I was young in the mountains
on our state map to which
L (little brother) ripped it off.

Day 2:
Social Studies: Emotions-Crying
Pg. 154 
-In the book When I was young in the mountains it talks about the grandmother crying because her grandson gets baptised. We discussed that some times people cry when they are happy such as a wedding, birth or baptism. 

J's "Crying" face.
Day 3:
-J used lincoln logs to build his own general store. 
This was by far his favorite activity to do at home.

Brother L trying to hit J's general store

The final product

Day 4:
Field Trip to Prehistoric Pets
-In the book it talks many times about snakes that would frequent their property or snakes that would reside in their swimming hole. So I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to go to Prehistoric Pets. We did many other activities involving snakes and J really enjoyed that.
petting Frank
L wanted to ride him
This snake wrapped around J's legs

J and his friend I trying to help give Frank some water

Day 5:
Math: List and Count
Pg. 158
-Me and J read When I was young in the mountains and counted how many cows, snakes, dogs, chickens and birds there were. We then looked at our graph and decided what animal showed up the most in the book. J loves finding things in books!

J writing on his graph

Day 6:
Language Arts: Repetition
Pg. 154
-J wrote a story about his own life using the same repetitious phrase "When I was young". I filled in the story for him and then he wrote over my words to practice his handwriting.

Day 7:
Science: Snake Anatomy
-This activity was actually done
the day we went to Prehistoric Pets.
We had fun labeling the rattlesnake 
and the J did a great job coloring it!

practicing handwriting

goof ball

Day 8:
-In keeping with the snake theme 
we decided to make a snake using an egg carton. 
J had fun picking out different colors
for his snake and gluing on the eye balls.